The largest islands in the world

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Largest Islands

A list of the top 20 largest islands of the world, with area measured in square miles and kilometres.

Australia and Antarctica both have a claim to be in this island list however, for geological, political and cultural reasons they are described as continental land masses and so are not included in the list. However if they were included Antarctica would be the largest island with an area of 5,400,000 sq. miles (14,000,000 sq. km)and Australia would be the second largest island with an area of 2,941,517 sq. miles (7,618,493 sq. km).

sq. milessq. km
Greenland822,7002,130,800self-governing overseas administrative division of Denmark
New Guinea309,000800,000the state Papua New Guinea and part of Indonesia
Borneo280,100725,500the state Brunei and parts of Indonesia and Malaysia
Baffin Island195,928507,451part of Canada
Sumatra164,000425,000part of Indonesia
Honshu87,805227,414part of Japan
Victoria Island83,896217,291part of Canada
Great Britain83,698216,777part of UK
Ellesmere Island75,767196,236part of Canada
Celebes67,400174,600part of Indonesia
South Island,
New Zealand
Java48,900126,700part of Indonesia
North Island,
New Zealand
Newfoundland42,031108,860part of Canada
Luzon40,422104,688part of the Philippines
Mindanao36,53994,630part of the Philippines
Ireland (Eire)32,58984,406Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland
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